Sunday, May 17, 2020

My I Have Had Love For Science Essay - 975 Words

Since I was little I have had love for science. It is the subject that interest me because there’s too many interesting topics. Science make us wonder how things work and how the world was made. In science there s too many hypotheses that can be made into proven theories. Now that I’m in college, it has only reassured to me that I do love science. I’m taking my Biology courses and they are so intriguing to me. One of my classes that I’m really enjoying right now is Biological evolution. When I was in my Biological Evolution class, professor Dr. Matthew Terry started talking about how many people can Earth support. He said Earth population has grown dramatically over the past 15 years and it would continue to grow exponentially. For example, when I was born Earth population was of 3 billion people now we have 7 billion people. It got me thinking about why is our population growing significantly and how is this going to affect our habitat. Earth is now overpopulated and there s have to be some measures. Would it be ethical if we try to control how many babies you can have or try to limit our population? How has technology influenced our population growth? What would be the consequences if Earth reaches its final capacity? How this is going to affect our environment and other species. These are just some of the burden questions I have for this topic. It makes sense that technological growth helps drive population. Since the industrial boom population hasShow MoreRelatedEssay About My Education723 Words   |  3 PagesMy education has always been extremely important to me. For most of my time at school I have challenged myself and enjoyed myself. Through my time at school I have found I am completely motivated to work and get things done when I am challenged or when I am interested by what is being taught. I will strive to be one of the best at what I do in college. 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